First fit the rear wheels and square the tub on the frame. – This went fine and I was able to drill clear the gearbox mounting hole that had caused so much trouble so long ago.
Second lift the front and push the engine and gearbox under the front sub-frame (the engine is currently sat on the engine crane legs). – No problem. I also knocked away the cross braces with a mallet.
Third lift the front and rear together and remove the timber frames. And position two axle stands at the front corners of the tub. (I think this will have to be done quickly) –This didn’t go quite according to plan. With four guys at the back they tried to lift the back up but couldn’t do it. I stood there and a though flashed through my mind “Note to self: find bigger mates.” The problem being there was no more room round the back of the car to get a hold. We shuffled the guys around putting the two guys at the front at the back as they were larger and two of the lighter guys to the front
Fourth lower the rear onto its wheels and the front onto axle stands. With the front guys guiding the sub-frame around the engine. . We tried again and the back lifted no problem. With the lads telling Carl, now at the front, to lift also! Late again Carl! I pulled one frame out and replaced it at the front with and axle stand and repeated the same with the other side. And gently the car was lowered on to its wheels and stands. Excellent!
Fifth lift the engine into place with the engine crane and fasten all the sub-frame bolts – Using the engine crane we lifted the engine into place and secured the sub-frame with four bolts and I went under the car to fasten the gearbox mounts. The heavy work done! A call from Mike “Which side are you nipping up first?” I replied “Your side Mike”. From my laid out position under the car all I could see were 6 pairs of feet two pairs at the front 2 pairs on each side – I had no idea which feet were Mike’s. So after a moments pause “Which side are you on Mike?” Everyone burst out laughing - the delivery was perfect! But eventually every thing fastened in place. All the holes lined up perfectly and I was able to connect the gear stick rear mounting bracket. A perfect fit – Brilliant!
Sixth mount the front wheel suspension arms and mount the wheels and steering rack to the sub frame. We split up into two teams to do each front swing arm but Mike had a problem. The rear bush wasn’t sitting right. Apparently the lads at the other side all fit fine and after a bit of investigation I came to the conclusion I must have mounted the bush in backwards – Bugger! There was nothing left to do but have a beer. I’ll get the bush pressed out at work tomorrow.
And finally lift the car off the front axle stands with the engine crane and or trolley jack lower my baby on to its “feet”. Five out of six ain’t bad.
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